We Handle the Hard Parts of IoT For You

Click & Play integration of mobile radio based sensors and actuators fast, secure and cost efficient.

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The Freedom of Building IoT Yourself. The Dependability You Need to Ship Quickly.

smart.click brings the flexibility and extensibility of building IoT yourself and the dependability of using an off-the-shelf solution together into one PaaS. We handle the hard things that don’t differentiate you, so you can focus on the essential things that do.

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smart.click Building Blocks

Powerful software to develop and manage applications. “Just works” connectivity. Durable, secure hardware pre-provisioned with a stable operating system. It’s all built to work together so you can start as soon as you turn your devices on.

Device OS

A hardened, stable OS for smart.click IoT devices.

smart.click Connectivity

Secure, integrated, and reliable connectivity for your connected products.

smart.click Cloud

A scalable and secure data pipeline and device management interface.

Pre-Provisioned Devices

Powerful devices for any connected product

A Better Way to Ship Connected Products

4 – 8

Average time to market (Months)


Total cost of ownership vs. An in-house IoT project


smart.click customers that successfully ship a product

The Industry Standard for IoT Solutions

Across industries, smart.click is the catalyst for future-forward companies to find growth opportunities, improve customer experiences, and create competitive advantages. We’ve taken what we’ve learned and created solutions to help you deliver more value.

Energy, Water & Gas

Building & Infrastructure

Transportation & Logistics

Smart Cities & Others

IOT unblocked

smart.click is a full-stack IOT Solution that makes it easier than ever to build connected products that accelerate growth, optimize operations, and change entire industries for the better.

A Fully Integrated Platform-as-a-Service

smart.click makes IoT software, connectivity, and hardware work together seamlessly in one PaaS, so you can connect your products without worrying about security, scalability, or connectivity issues.

Customizable IoT, Endless Possibilities

Everything about smart.click is reprogrammable and reconfigurable so you can develop custom applications for your precise use case.

Trusted by over hundred companies around the world

Launch your product faster with our easy-to-use APIs, SDKs, and documentation.

“No matter how many devices you roll out in the future, with the smart.click Cloud you can rely on a secure, stable and cost-efficient backend.”

– Mike Krüger, CTO –

smart.click Example

Fast replenishment at the touch of a button

Find out personally in a consultation how one of our customers from industry replenishes his material in time thanks to the IoT Button and smart.click and thus avoids delays in the operating process.

Read customer report smart.click Case Study

Grow your business with smart.click

Increase sales

smart.click increases your company’s revenue by accelerating and simplifying processes. You save time and energy for other tasks and collect valuable data at the same time.

Increase automation

Create complex workflows and automations with smart.click. Save time, money and energy by automating repetitive tasks and requests.

Improve user experience

Support employees, customers and consumers by providing an easy way to contact you, request help or assistance, or notify you of something.

Increase brand visibility

Strengthen your brand and create more attention with a branded IoT button. The asset can be branded individually.

A Proven Way to Activate the Power of IOT

smart.click enables you to inspires your users & customers with awesome IOT Devices and offers you so much more.

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